
Rural Roads Built to Boost Rural Revitalization

来源:enghunan.gov.cn 编辑:金钰伦 2022-12-15 14:50:11


The photo, taken on December 14, shows vehicles running on a tidy asphalt road at the Lvqiao Village section of X154 county highway in Shuangqiao Town, Qidong County. In recent years, the county government has focused on the construction, management, maintenance and operation of roads in rural areas to boost rural revitalization. Efforts have been made to implement projects that leverage the enabling role of transport and accelerate the construction of transport networks that connect all villages with other local villages and the outside world, and provide them with safe and easy access to bus services. (Photo/Chen Yanshang)


The photo, taken on December 14, shows vehicles running on a tidy asphalt road at the Lvqiao Village section of X154 county highway in Shuangqiao Town, Qidong County. In recent years, the county government has focused on the construction, management, maintenance and operation of roads in rural areas to boost rural revitalization. Efforts have been made to implement projects that leverage the enabling role of transport and accelerate the construction of transport networks that connect all villages with other local villages and the outside world, and provide them with safe and easy access to bus services. (Photo/Chen Yanshang)



