
Spring Festival Celebrations in Dehang Miao Village

来源:enghunan.gov 编辑:谭婕倪 2023-07-13 08:48:22

On January 27, young men and women of Miao minority performed a scene of Miao youths falling in love in Dehang Miao Village, Aizhai Town, Jishou City. On the same day, the city held a Miao Songs Singing Festival. The Miao people and tourists gathered together to make friends through songs and celebrate the Chinese New Year. (Photo/Peng Jing)

On January 27, Miao girls showed their traditional costumes in Dehang Miao Village, Aizhai Town, Jishou City. On the same day, the city held a Miao Songs Singing Festival. The Miao people and tourists gathered together to make friends through songs and celebrate the Chinese New Year. (Photo/Peng Jing)

On January 27, tourists watched folklore performances in Dehang Miao Village, Aizhai Town, Jishou City. On the same day, the city held a Miao Songs Singing Festival. The Miao people and tourists gathered together to make friends through songs and celebrate the Chinese New Year. (Photo/Peng Jing)

On January 27, tourists experienced traditional Miao customs in Dehang Miao Village, Aizhai Town, Jishou City. On the same day, the city held a Miao Songs Singing Festival. The Miao people and tourists gathered together to make friends through songs and celebrate the Chinese New Year. (Photo/Peng Jing)



