
2023 HSZ Downhill Cycling Held in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

来源:enghunan.gov 编辑:谭婕倪 2023-07-06 10:40:39

On July 2, the 2023 HSZ Downhill Cycling kicked off at the Hunan Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. A total of 46 cyclists from across China competed in the event. The course has an elevation drop of more than 400 meters, with a total distance of 1.8 kilometers. It includes a 1-kilometer timing section and a variety of complex road conditions such as stone steps, jumping platforms, jungle, slopes, tunnels, and right-angle turns. (Photo/Wu Yongbing)

On July 2, the 2023 HSZ Downhill Cycling kicked off at the Hunan Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. A total of 46 cyclists from across China competed in the event. The course has an elevation drop of more than 400 meters, with a total distance of 1.8 kilometers. It includes a 1-kilometer timing section and a variety of complex road conditions such as stone steps, jumping platforms, jungle, slopes, tunnels, and right-angle turns. (Photo/Wu Yongbing)

On July 2, the 2023 HSZ Downhill Cycling kicked off at the Hunan Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. A total of 46 cyclists from across China competed in the event. The course has an elevation drop of more than 400 meters, with a total distance of 1.8 kilometers. It includes a 1-kilometer timing section and a variety of complex road conditions such as stone steps, jumping platforms, jungle, slopes, tunnels, and right-angle turns. (Photo/Wu Yongbing)

On July 2, the 2023 HSZ Downhill Cycling kicked off at the Hunan Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. A total of 46 cyclists from across China competed in the event. The course has an elevation drop of more than 400 meters, with a total distance of 1.8 kilometers. It includes a 1-kilometer timing section and a variety of complex road conditions such as stone steps, jumping platforms, jungle, slopes, tunnels, and right-angle turns. (Photo/Wu Yongbing)

On July 2, the 2023 HSZ Downhill Cycling kicked off at the Hunan Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. A total of 46 cyclists from across China competed in the event. The course has an elevation drop of more than 400 meters, with a total distance of 1.8 kilometers. It includes a 1-kilometer timing section and a variety of complex road conditions such as stone steps, jumping platforms, jungle, slopes, tunnels, and right-angle turns. (Photo/Wu Yongbing)



