
Yanghu Water Reclamation Plant PV Project Starts Operation

来源:enghunan.gov 编辑:谭婕倪 2023-08-23 08:53:03

On August 21, the sewage treatment ponds and parking lots of Yanghu Water Reclamation Plant were covered with photovoltaic (PV) panels in Yanghu Eco-Town, Hunan Xiangjiang New Area, Changsha. Recently, the distributed PV project phase Ⅰ of the factory has been connected to the power grid and started generating electricity. More than 7,000 PV panels will be installed in total, which can provide 3.6 million kilowatt-hours of green energy yearly. This will cut about 2,000 tons of annual carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to stepping up carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)

On August 21, the sewage treatment ponds and parking lots of Yanghu Water Reclamation Plant were covered with photovoltaic (PV) panels in Yanghu Eco-Town, Hunan Xiangjiang New Area, Changsha. Recently, the distributed PV project phase Ⅰ of the factory has been connected to the power grid and started generating electricity. More than 7,000 PV panels will be installed in total, which can provide 3.6 million kilowatt-hours of green energy yearly. This will cut about 2,000 tons of annual carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to stepping up carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)

On August 21, the sewage treatment ponds and parking lots of Yanghu Water Reclamation Plant were covered with photovoltaic (PV) panels in Yanghu Eco-Town, Hunan Xiangjiang New Area, Changsha. Recently, the distributed PV project phase Ⅰ of the factory has been connected to the power grid and started generating electricity. More than 7,000 PV panels will be installed in total, which can provide 3.6 million kilowatt-hours of green energy yearly. This will cut about 2,000 tons of annual carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to stepping up carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)

On August 21, the sewage treatment ponds and parking lots of Yanghu Water Reclamation Plant were covered with photovoltaic (PV) panels in Yanghu Eco-Town, Hunan Xiangjiang New Area, Changsha. Recently, the distributed PV project phase Ⅰ of the factory has been connected to the power grid and started generating electricity. More than 7,000 PV panels will be installed in total, which can provide 3.6 million kilowatt-hours of green energy yearly. This will cut about 2,000 tons of annual carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to stepping up carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)

On August 21, the sewage treatment ponds and parking lots of Yanghu Water Reclamation Plant were covered with photovoltaic (PV) panels in Yanghu Eco-Town, Hunan Xiangjiang New Area, Changsha. Recently, the distributed PV project phase Ⅰ of the factory has been connected to the power grid and started generating electricity. More than 7,000 PV panels will be installed in total, which can provide 3.6 million kilowatt-hours of green energy yearly. This will cut about 2,000 tons of annual carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to stepping up carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)



