
In pics: Rice Thrives in C China's Hunan, Indicating Bumper Harvest

来源:enghunan.gov 编辑:谭婕倪 2023-09-21 09:24:18

Photo shows rice fields under the blue sky in Liufeng townsip, Guiyang county, Chenzhou city, central China's Hunan Province. (People's Daily/ Zhou Xiuyuchun)

Rice is growing vigorously in Liufeng townsip, Guiyang county, central China's Hunan Province, indicating a bumper harvest. The vast rice fields, mountains and dwellings nearby constitute a beautiful view to behold.

Photo shows rice fields and dwellings nearby in Liufeng townsip, Guiyang county, Chenzhou city, central China's Hunan Province. (People's Daily/ Zhou Xiuyuchun)

Photo shows rice fields and dwellings nearby in Liufeng townsip, Guiyang county, Chenzhou city, central China's Hunan Province. (vip.people.com.cn/ Zhou Xiuyuchun)

Photo shows rice fields and dwellings nearby in Liufeng townsip, Guiyang county, Chenzhou city, central China's Hunan Province. (People's Daily/ Zhou Xiuyuchun)

Photo shows rice fields and dwellings nearby in Liufeng townsip, Guiyang county, Chenzhou city, central China's Hunan Province. (People's Daily/ Zhou Xiuyuchun)



