
Medical Services Offered in Villages

来源:enghunan.gov 编辑:谭婕倪 2023-01-06 16:07:37

The photo, taken on January 5, shows medical workers doing physical examination for villagers at Miaoqian Town, Changning City. In recent years, the city has raised common medicines and assembled medical workers to villages to provide local people with such services as consultation, free physical examinations, and medicine delivery. The move helps safeguard people's health. (Photo/Zhouxiu Yuchun)

The photo, taken on January 5, shows medical workers and Party member volunteers handing out medicines to villagers at Miaoqian Town, Changning City. In recent years, the city has raised common medicines and assembled medical workers to villages to provide local people with such services as consultation, free physical examinations, and medicine delivery. The move helps safeguard people's health. (Photo/Zhouxiu Yuchun)

The photo, taken on January 5, shows medical workers doing physical examination for villagers at Miaoqian Town, Changning City. In recent years, the city has raised common medicines and assembled medical workers to villages to provide local people with such services as consultation, free physical examinations, and medicine delivery. The move helps safeguard people's health. (Photo/Zhouxiu Yuchun)



