
"River Guardians" protect water environment in Tongdao

来源:enghunan.gov 编辑:谭婕倪 2023-02-13 11:17:35

On February 9, a river guardian cleaned floating objects on the river in the downtown section of Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. In recent years, the county has taken water resources protection, water pollution prevention and control, water environment management, and water ecological restoration as the core tasks of water conservation and control. It has strengthened the comprehensive management of water areas and organized groups for river cleaning, to manage rivers and channels in segments within its jurisdiction. This aimed to promote the continuous improvement of the quality of the water environment. (Photo/Li Shangyin)

On February 9, a river guardian cleaned floating objects on the river in the downtown section of Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. In recent years, the county has taken water resources protection, water pollution prevention and control, water environment management, and water ecological restoration as the core tasks of water conservation and control. It has strengthened the comprehensive management of water areas and organized groups for river cleaning, to manage rivers and channels in segments within its jurisdiction. This aimed to promote the continuous improvement of the quality of the water environment. (Photo/Li Shangyin)

On February 9, a river guardian cleaned floating objects on the river in the downtown section of Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. In recent years, the county has taken water resources protection, water pollution prevention and control, water environment management, and water ecological restoration as the core tasks of water conservation and control. It has strengthened the comprehensive management of water areas and organized groups for river cleaning, to manage rivers and channels in segments within its jurisdiction. This aimed to promote the continuous improvement of the quality of the water environment. (Photo/Li Shangyin)



