
Picturesque Winter Scenery in Park

来源:enghunan.gov 编辑:谭婕倪 2023-11-27 14:44:59

On November 26, colorful leaves and azure blue water presented a riot of colors under winter sunshine at Yuehu Park in Changsha City. Residents and tourists took a boat trip on the lake and enjoyed leisure time on weekends. (Photo/Li Jian, Hunan Daily)

On November 26, colorful leaves and azure blue water presented a riot of colors under winter sunshine at Yuehu Park in Changsha City. Residents and tourists took a boat trip on the lake and enjoyed leisure time on weekends. (Photo/Li Jian, Hunan Daily)

On November 26, colorful leaves and azure blue water presented a riot of colors under winter sunshine at Yuehu Park in Changsha City. Residents and tourists took a boat trip on the lake and enjoyed leisure time on weekends. (Photo/Li Jian, Hunan Daily)

On November 26, colorful leaves and azure blue water presented a riot of colors under winter sunshine at Yuehu Park in Changsha City. Residents and tourists took a boat trip on the lake and enjoyed leisure time on weekends. (Photo/Li Jian, Hunan Daily)



