
Chinese Medicinal Herb Industry Developed to Increase Farmers' Income

来源:enghunan.gov 编辑:谭婕倪 2023-12-19 11:07:16

The photo, taken on December 14, shows workers drying polygonatum seeds, which are a type of Chinese medicinal herb, at a medicinal herbs distribution center in Jingwuzhou Town, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. In recent years, the local government has encouraged and guided the farmers to develop Chinese medicinal herb industry. It promoted underwood cultivation in simulated wild environment, and carried out planting, management, standardization, and marketing in a unified manner. These efforts help increase production and farmers' income. (Photo/Li Shangyin and Shi Menglei) 

The photo, taken on December 14, shows workers drying polygonatum seeds, which are a type of Chinese medicinal herb, at a medicinal herbs distribution center in Jingwuzhou Town, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. In recent years, the local government has encouraged and guided the farmers to develop Chinese medicinal herb industry. It promoted underwood cultivation in simulated wild environment, and carried out planting, management, standardization, and marketing in a unified manner. These efforts help increase production and farmers' income. (Photo/Li Shangyin and Shi Menglei) 

The photo, taken on December 14, shows workers drying polygonatum seeds, which are a type of Chinese medicinal herb, at a medicinal herbs distribution center in Jingwuzhou Town, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. In recent years, the local government has encouraged and guided the farmers to develop Chinese medicinal herb industry. It promoted underwood cultivation in simulated wild environment, and carried out planting, management, standardization, and marketing in a unified manner. These efforts help increase production and farmers' income. (Photo/Li Shangyin and Shi Menglei)



