
Free Healthcare Services Offered in Countryside

来源:enghunan.gov 编辑:谭婕倪 2024-01-19 16:13:11

On January 16, health workers provided free diagnosis and treatment services for a villager in Shangzhai Village, Boyang Town, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. As the Spring Festival is approaching, the town's central health center has carried out "free medical service for the countryside" voluntary activities. This has effectively enhanced people's sense of gain, happiness, and satisfaction, fostering a strong foundation for rural revitalization. (Photo/Liu Qiang)

On January 16, health workers provided free diagnosis and treatment services for villagers in Shangzhai Village, Boyang Town, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. As the Spring Festival is approaching, the town's central health center has carried out "free medical service for the countryside" voluntary activities. This has effectively enhanced people's sense of gain, happiness, and satisfaction, fostering a strong foundation for rural revitalization. (Photo/Liu Qiang)



