
Spring Scenery Across Hunan

来源:enghunan.gov 编辑:谭婕倪 2024-03-15 15:49:48

A bullet train ran above a flourishing canola flower field in Xuanzhou Town, Hengshan County, on March 13, presenting thriving spring scenery. (Photo/Cao Zhengping and Xia Jianjun)

A bullet train sped along a newly-built railway bridge in Zhongfang County on March 13, constituting picturesque spring scenery together with the golden canola flowers under the bridge. The bridge is a part of Shanghai-Kunming High-speed Railway. (Photo/Liu Yaping) 

The photo, taken on March 12, shows golden canola flowers, dwellings, roads, and remote mountains together forming a beautiful and livable countryside scene along the Yuanshui River in Bushun Village, Taiping Township, Hongjiang City. (Photo/Yang Xijian)



