
Qiyang Opera Staged in Countryside

来源:enghunan.gov 编辑:谭婕倪 2024-04-08 14:47:08

On February 26, villagers watched classical drama in Shuangxi Village, Shanmen Town, Dongkou County. The Gaosha Qiyang Opera Troupe performers staged local classical plays in the village on the same day, promoting traditional folk culture and enriching the spiritual and cultural life of rural areas. (Photo/Teng Zhizhong)

On February 26, villagers watched classical drama in Shuangxi Village, Shanmen Town, Dongkou County. The Gaosha Qiyang Opera Troupe performers staged local classical plays in the village on the same day, promoting traditional folk culture and enriching the spiritual and cultural life of rural areas. (Photo/Teng Zhizhong)

On February 26, villagers watched classical drama in Shuangxi Village, Shanmen Town, Dongkou County. The Gaosha Qiyang Opera Troupe performers staged local classical plays in the village on the same day, promoting traditional folk culture and enriching the spiritual and cultural life of rural areas. (Photo/Teng Zhizhong)



