
Kenyan Flowers Arrive in Hunan Ahead of May 20

来源:en.changsha 编辑:谭婕倪 2024-05-20 10:52:36

A shipment of more than 4,000 Kenyan flowers that were exported from Nairobi through bellyhold operations arrived at Changsha Huanghua International Airport on May 16. After completing customs inspection by the Changsha Huanghua Airport Customs Authority, these flowers would enter the market in Hunan Province prior to May 20. "520" is a homophone of "I love you" in Chinese. 

The flowers include 2,494 roses, 1,400 Peruvian lilies, and 250 larkspurs. Kenyan roses have large buds and bright colors, and have always been loved by domestic consumers.  

The Changsha Huanghua Airport Customs Authority provided guidance for enterprises to support fast customs clearance of high-quality Kenyan flowers. The authority instructed the firms in making cargo declaration in advance and set up a "green channel" for this batch of flowers, aiming to further shorten customs clearance time.  

The import order of Kenyan flowers was inked recently and the first order was scheduled to be delivered to Hunan ahead of May 20, said a person in charge of the importer—the Red Star Agricultural Supply Chain Management (Hunan) Co., Ltd, hoping that Kenyan flowers can bring more surprises and romance to Hunan consumers.



