
和美“湘”村(双语)丨保靖县夯沙村:听峡谷歌声荡漾 品千年苗寨风情

来源:红网 作者:张艺凡 实习生 吴睿妍 张陈楠 通讯员 龙依含 编辑:张立 2023-08-10 17:50:14

红网时刻新闻记者 张艺凡 实习生 吴睿妍 张陈楠 通讯员 龙依含 湘西保靖报道


Hangsha Village is located on the southern border of Baojing County in Xiangxi Prefecture. Overall, it has formed a historical pattern of "one village lying horizontally, three streams converging, and surrounded by mountains". This unique geographical location has nurtured the mysterious Miao ethnic culture. There are currently five natural villages in Hangsha ancient village, with a total population of 1,156 people, mainly composed of Miao and Tujia ethnic groups. The ethnic cultural atmosphere is strong and the people are kind and honest.


The main buildings in Hangsha village are Miao ethnic dwellings from the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. A stream flows through the village, and the houses are distributed among both sides, forming the unique regional landscape of Hangsha. The overall style of the village is an ancient village with natural and cultural resources, which is formed by traditional ancient houses in western Hunan and the idyllic scenery.



Hangsha village is a well-preserved traditional Xiangxi ancient village, where the villagers are all kinds and honest, and the country culture is civilized. The atmosphere of life and culture blend together, presenting a scene of simplicity, tranquillity and peace. In 2012, Hangsha village was listed in the first batch of China's traditional village list, and has won the national 3A scenic spot awards, the most beautiful ethnic minority characteristic village in Hunan province, and were also among the first batch of characteristic tourism villages in Hunan Province.


Dafengchong Scenic Area was the main venue for the first Baojing Tourism Development Conference. The ethnic elements, such as the “Bianbianchang” performance, Miao songs and dances, Miao costumes, and dwellings, have distinct characteristics. The activity “Looking for Love in Dafengchong - Falling in Love with Bianbianchang” has become a well-known tourist activity both inside and outside the province. Dafengchong has also become a popular destination for taking photos for social media, with many young people coming here to seek romance.



In recent years, Hangsha Village has actively explored new models of industrial development, with tourism as the leader in promoting rural development. Paiba Miao Village, located in the centre of Lǚdongshan Town, is a Miao village with a very strong tourist reception capacity. The natural and cultural landscapes here are integrated, allowing visitors to enjoy the row of row of stilts houses along the Lǚdongxi River and experience the ancient charm and unique folk customs of the millennium Miao village.


The landscape is the most beautiful calling card of Hangsha Village, and ecology is its biggest resource. The numerous peaks, waterfalls and rivers in the canyon where song echoes, make the Miao village even more beautiful, picturesque, and tranquil, and also make Hangsha Village becomes a natural oxygen bar of savouring fragrant tea, relaxing, and maintaining good health.


作者:张艺凡 实习生 吴睿妍 张陈楠 通讯员 龙依含



